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Steve Green – Symphony of Praise – Lyrics

“Symphony of Praise”

The composer and conductor of the universe
Steps before the orchestra of God
Creation lifts their finely crafted instruments
As all in heaven wildly applaud

The seasons well rehearsed begin with His downbeat
And on his cue the sun trumpets the dawn
The whirling winds swell in a mighty crescendo
With each commanding sweep of His baton
The oceans pound the shore in march to His cadence
The galaxies all revolve in cosmic rhyme
The fall of raindrops all in wild syncopation
As lightning strikes and thunder claps in time

The symphony of praise
Conducted by the Ancient of Days
May each creation great or small
Lift their voices one and all
In the symphony of praise

Heaven waits in hushed anticipation
The great I am then turns to mortal men
A massive chorus robed in spotless garments
Offer up their song of praise to Him
The glories of God explode in full orchestration
As all creation joins the thunderous refrain
“Worthy, Worthy
Worthy is the lamb that was slain”


The symphony of praise
Glory to the Ancient of Days
May each creation great or small
Lift their voices one and all
In the symphony of praise

“Worthy, Worthy
Worthy is the lamb that was slain
Worthy, Worthy
Worthy is the lamb”


Steve Green – Symphony of Praise – Lyrics
“The Mission” – 1989

Steve Green – Symphony of Praise – Lyrics
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