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Gary Valenciano – Shout For Joy – Lyrics

Gary Valenciano – Shout For Joy – Lyrics

“Shout For Joy”


How do I begin to tell you ’bout this friend
Who’s like no other
Ever since the day He walked into my life
He’s been more than a brother
And everyday and every minute
There’s a shower of love I feel
Something I used to just imagine
I tell you know it’s all for real.
That’s why I


Shout for joy
Sing His praises
Lift my voice unto the Lord
Shout for joy
Sing His praises
Lift my voice unto the Lord


Now in case you’ve forgotten
It’s a free gift you know
It’s been an open invitation
For every man or woman, every boy or girl
People from every nation
Looking up unto the heavens
Praising God for what he’s done
I can hear the chorus singing
Singing in their own native tongue
You gotta


Shout for joy
Sing His praises
Lift your voice unto the Lord
Shout for joy
(You gotta) Tell him all about it
Lift your voice and let Him know
Shout for joy
Sing His praises
Lift your voice unto the Lord
Shout for joy
Tell him all about it
Lift your voice and let Him know


(There He is by the door of your heart)
(Open up and make a brand new start)
Like He said, when you seek you shall find Him
(Think again if you wanna refuse)
(Everything to gain and nothing to lose)
I believe you know just what I mean


Hey, It’s the truth, I’m telling you it’s real
It’s something I believe the world should feel
I think we know, we know all the facts
There’s only One who wanna to put us back
On the right track
People in the West, East, North, and South
People who think I’m just blabbing my mouth
It ain’t gonna work
I’m never gonna give it up
Telling people what they should
Definitely know about


(There He is by the door of your heart)
(Open up and make a brand new start)
Like He said, when you seek you shall find Him
(Think again if you wanna refuse)
(Everything to gain and nothing to lose)
I can tell you all about him
But all you gotta do
Is say Jesus is Lord
You know He’s right for you


Shout for joy
Sing His praises
Lift your voice unto the Lord
Shout for joy
(You gotta) Tell him all about it
Lift your voice and let Him know
Shout for joy
Sing His praises
Lift your voice unto the Lord
Shout for joy
Tell him all about it
Lift your voice and let Him know

Shout For Joy – Gary Valenciano
Shout4Joy – 1991

Gary Valenciano – Shout For Joy – Lyrics
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