God will not forget you
God will not forget you!
God will not forget you!
“Remember these things, Jacob, for you, Israel, are my servant. I have made you, you are my servant; Israel, I will not forget you.” – Isaiah 44:21 NIV
Corrie Ten Boom was a devout Christian who helped persecuted Jewish people during the Holocaust in Germany. She hid Jews in their household which was just a block away from a police station. Her action helped many Jews escape from death and she was imprisoned for doing so in 1944. Together with her sister Betsie, they held worship services in the prison concentration camps. Her sister then fell terminally ill, but before she died, Betsie told Corrie this quote, “There is no pit so deep that He [God] is not deeper still.” Fourteen days later, Corrie was released from prison. However, it was later revealed that her release was due to a clerical error. All the other members of the camp where she was imprisoned were executed in the gas chambers, only Corrie survived. Corrie lived to tell her story until her death at age 91. The nation of Israel in appreciation of her efforts later honored her with the title “The Righteous of the Nations.”
“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” – Hebrews 6:10 NIV
God knows our hard work. He knows our pain, our sacrifices, and our sufferings. We may not see beyond our present situation, but God has a purpose. He has a plan and is in total control of the situation. He is in control of world history, and He is in control of our life story. He loves you and I more than we will ever know. Our friends, our loved ones, and sometimes the closest to us may abandon and forget about us, but God will never forget about you. He created us, and He has known us by name before He made the Heavens and the earth. Yes, HE LOVES YOU!
“Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you!” – Isaiah 49:15 NIV
“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs” – Zephaniah 3:17 NLT
Continue the good fight, persevere with confidence, and surrender your worries to God. He will pull you through. He has the best plans set out for you!
“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” – 2 Chronicles 15:7 NIV
If you need prayers or e-mail counseling, you can contact us here: [email protected]
message prepared by Rock Punzalan
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